Tell us what changes you would like to see to bus services in Southampton

In response to the government’s ‘Bus Back Better’ strategy for England, we will be working with Southampton’s bus operators, and other stakeholders, to create a Bus Improvement Plan for the city.

The Bus Improvement Plan will be published in October 2021 and will outline plans for improving our local bus services and encouraging more people to use them. In order to put the plan into action, we will be bidding for a share of the £3 billion in funding that the government has promised to local authorities for this purpose.

We would like everyone to contribute to the plan: those who already use buses and those who don’t, as well as public, private and voluntary organisations who have an interest in local bus services and making them work better.

To give us your views on your local bus service please complete the Bus Service Improvement Plan Survey. The deadline for having your say is 25 August 2021.