Resources for primary schools in Southampton

You will find information and files to download for our most up to date resources which can provide a fun way to encourage active travel on the school run.


Original active travel films

See the link at the foot of this page or click here to see our original Histrionics and other short films which you can share with your pupils. Active-travel linked themes covered include mental health, a scavenger hunt for Primary and Secondary schools and transition time into Year R, Year 3 and Year 7. Don't forget to follow us on You Tube!

Follow the link at the foot of the page to view our selection of short films created for the My Journey team to encourage alternatives to car travel on the school run and highlight the benefits of being outside.


Stuck at home? Spring into action!

Download our new Spring into Action toolkit and enjoy this brand new collection of activities put together by the My Journey Travel Planning Team to give inspiration to the time being spent out walking.

Themed around the NHS’s 5 Steps to Wellbeing, these activities are suitable for use in spring and summertime. When out on walks near to your home, why not try some of these ideas to make the experience a little richer? There are lots of ideas including games to play, art to create and heart rate-increasing activities.

Sustrans has also created this 'Raise your heart rate' resource with great ideas for getting active and keeping healthy at home.


Walk to School Week

Walk to School Week is the Living Streets initiative which invites children and parents from around the UK to unite for one week of walking to school.

To mark the celebration in May 2019, we teamed up with Go Jauntly - our new walking app partner - to help you encourage families at your school to take part. 

The Go Jauntly walking app is available to download nationally and supports people to get active through a collection of inspiring walks, including routes across Southampton. Find out more and discover local routes and tailored walking challenges.

To find out more about Walk to School Week and resources for schools, visit the Living Streets website



The My Journey team encourage schools to take part in International Walking Month each October. 2018 was all about “Walking whatever the weather” with 2019 focusing on the benefits of walking.

Scooter Training

Train your Year R to Year 4 pupils how to ride their scooters safely with our scooter training guidelines for teachers. It aims to enable teaching staff to teach pupils how to scoot safely during the school day e.g. during a school PE lesson and more importantly on their journey to school.

Travel to school website page toolkit

This toolkit has been designed to provide you with content you could make available to pupils and parents to guide them on how they could travel to school. Adding this information to your ‘parents page’, ‘contact page’ or ‘how to find us’ will mean they have alternative ways to travel to school away from the car that will reduce congestion at the school gate, reduce pollution and keep everyone fitter and healthier.

The Parkwise Promise

In an effort to create a safer environment outside schools at the beginning and end of the day you can participate in ‘The Parkwise Promise’, a Council-led initiative to target dangerous and inconsiderate parking near to schools. Please see our Parkwise page for more information.

'How Could You Travel to School?' booklet

This booklet has been produced to provide parents with the information and tools they need to find out the options available when their children start school, even if it's choosing an alternative to the car once or twice a week.

Just the Journey maps

These maps have been developed to assist new Year 7 pupils as they adjust to their new, independent travel to secondary school. To create your own map, please use this resource and we recommend using this mapping software.

Create your own Park & Stride maps

A full guide on how to create your own Park & Stride map for your school and setting up a Park & Stride scheme.

Travel Survey

Gain an understanding of how your pupils are travelling to school with our travel survey for students, staff and parents and then talk to us about how we can help you improve their journey to school.


We like to keep in touch with you so we can let you know more about the upcoming news, event, competitions and new resources available to your school. You can sign up to receive the newsletter.

Government Think Road Safety resource: Tales of the Road

With many people having enjoyed more walking and cycling during lockdown, and families being asked to consider whether they can walk or cycle as pupils begin returning to school, now is a great time to bring road safety to life for children. Introducing the newly updated Tales of the Road education resource.

The resource contains new and updated tips and is now interactive to help young road users navigate the workbook quickly and easily! It can be accessed and completed online, or can be downloaded, allowing progress to be saved and continued another day – perfect for children to come back to whether they are learning remotely during the summer holidays or in the classroom when school resumes in September.

Beep Beep! Days

Beep Beep! Days are a great opportunity for early year's educators to introduce 2-7 year olds to road safety basics, with fun activities and resources provided by Brake charity. You can register for a free e-pack or purchase a bumper pack for just £13.80, per 50 children. The pack includes lots of fun and reusable road safety activities including colouring sheets, posters, laminated activities and much more. For more information visit Brake or download this flyer.


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