The Clean Air Network is hosting a festival on Clean Air Day

The Clean Air Network is hosting a festival on Clean Air Day, Thursday 21 June in Guildhall Square and the Civic Centre car park. The event is to raise awareness of the benefits of clean air, and to help everyone find a way to contribute to better air quality in the city.
It takes place from 10am right through to 7pm, so whatever you are doing you’ll be able to pop in at some point. And if you cycle, car-share, walk, or use public transport to come to the festival, we’ll give you a free voucher for refreshments!*
This year on Clean Air Day we will show everyone what we’re doing for clean air. We’re also asking the question: “What can you do for clean air?”
So we have lots of suggestions for simple ways that you can make a difference, whether at school, at work, in your community group or in your health organisation.
The Clean Air Day festival is completely free, and you can enjoy masses of attractions and activities:
•Live bands
•Try out the model lungs
•Test drive an electric car
•Relax in the Chill Out Zone
•Jump aboard the low emission buses
•The Professor show for children
•Air Quality Research Zone
•Check your lungs on a spirometer
•Competitions and prizes
•Performances by local schools
•Meet the drivers of electric cars
•Try a bike
•Communal art
•Health checks
•…And more to be announced
For more information email