SCN1 nears completion as works commence at Third Avenue

Work is now underway to create a new safe and segregated cycle lane along Third Avenue, which runs parallel to Millbrook Road West and is a key part of the Southampton Cycle Network (SCN). The work will take around six weeks, completing in late June 2019.

The project, carried out by Southampton City Council's highways partners Balfour Beatty, will mean the SCN1 Western Cycle Freeway takes a big step closer to its completion later this year. The SCN1 runs from Totton and the New Forest through to Southampton Central Station. It is a key part of the council's ten year commitment to make Southampton a true cycling city. This new Cycle Freeway, along with the sections already completed along Second Avenue, will provide people who choose to cycle with a quick, easy and safe route into and out of the city from Redbridge, Totton and the New Forest.

What's new?

• Third Avenue will be made permanently one way for motor traffic travelling eastbound as part of the scheme to create space for the two-way segregated cycle lane

• The cycle lane will be segregated from traffic by new kerbs protecting people cycling from passing and turning traffic

• Continuous crossings will be installed so that people walking or cycling along Third Avenue will have priority over traffic at the junctions from side roads

Engagement began with businesses in the area on the scheme in July 2018 and a formal public consultation took place for three weeks in January 2019. Now the work is underway and will be carried out in four phases to minimise any local disruption.

The cycle scheme construction cost £470,000 to deliver. This has been sourced from Joint Air Quality Unit funding for a Clean Air Zone and the first tranche of funding from the successful joint bid by Southampton City Council and Hampshire County Council to the Department for Transport’s Transforming Cities fund. More detail is available at

As the Southampton Cycle Network develops, it’s a great time for anyone thinking about cycling for their commute or for leisure to give it a go.

Works details

As this is a service road for access to the industrial area, Southampton City Council does not anticipate the works having a significant impact on Millbrook Road or the Highways England major project at Redbridge Roundabout. They will be working closely with the businesses affected by the works to ensure access is maintained throughout. For more detail on the works, visit